Category Archives: Business

Global live 3D broadcast via Internet demo’d in November

I think 3D will take hold on the Internet before broadcast 3D really gets underway:

Taking place between November 26th-30th, thousands of Internet viewers all over the world saw the best Russian and Vietnamese surfing athletes performing long board and short board styles in Vung Tau, Vietnam. What was unique was that, for the first time, viewers could watch the event in 2D, 3D and even 3D without glasses.

via Like a 3D window to the world – Russian Surf Championships | 3D News from 3D Focus.

Yet another claim that 3D is dead and dying

Based on these developments alone, consumers might think that the 3D trend is alive and well. In reality, the format has yet to take off. Consumers were not persuaded to trade in their televisions, buy new cameras or new game consoles. They did not buy into 3D smartphones either.

via The 3D Trend Fails…Again –

Where do we “trade in” our TVs or cameras? Am I missing something?

Consumers just finished upgrading old TVs to HDTVs and were not about to instantly replace them with 3D TVs – in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the 1930s. Is this hard to understand?

The author says 3D is showing on fewer theater screens – but it never made sense to run 3D on all screens of your local movieplex. As of December 2011, about half the world’s theaters had converted to digital format and it costs about 10% more to add 3D.  The local movieplex doesn’t need to convert all screens to 3D, only some of them as there is not yet sufficient content and not everyone wants to pay the exorbitant, high profit premium some theaters charge for the 3D version of the movie.

Consumers have shown they like 3D games. And online 3D is growing nicely and may largely bypass the mainstream content pipes and achieve success on the Internet. There is a coming convergence of 3D technology, glasses-free displays, cameras, content and Internet delivery that will create a viable 3D market.

Since switching my own blog and my Google+ page commentary to mostly 3D, I have seen a faster rate of growth in readership.

People are interested in 3D – but not in spending big bucks for 3D HDTVs just yet – and not buying high priced theater tickets for ridiculous lame stories like Prometheus (great 3D image quality – dumb story).

My guess is The Hobbit will challenge some minds about 3D!

Or we could go back to silent, black & white movies. I mean, who would ever want to hear actors talk or see things in color? Color just detracts from the story.

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3D Stereo Images and Photos | Phereo

3D Photo organizer, online 3D photo galleries, 3D editing software, upload capabilities: 3D Stereo Images and Photos | Phereo.

Software to process 3D images – free version (with watermarked Phereo logo on images) and Pro version ($24.99).

Phereo is apparently based in Moscow, Russia.

There are some good ideas here – 3D editing, photo albums, and upload all in one, for example. But am not sure I get their online video hosting business (fee-based) and how is it different than hosting sites like Youtube’s 3D support?

Wearable Wireless 3D Body Motion Tracking

Funny, I was just thinking of a crazy consumer product where something like this could be put to use (but not saying what that is!):

The world’s first wearable wireless 3D body motion tracking system based on consumer-grade MEMS combo sensors will be on display at Electronica 2012 in Munich, Germany.

via Wearable Wireless 3D Body Motion Tracking | News | Product Design & Development.

At the bottom – huge growth is predicted in the market for “wearable wireless devices in sports and healthcare”.