Category Archives: 3D Tech

3D+2D TV: A 3D display that’s watchable without glasses, without ghosting

This makes no sense: 3D+2D TV: A 3D display that’s watchable without glasses, without ghosting | ExtremeTech.

You could wear a pair of glasses with the same polarized lens in both the left and right eyes and you’d see just one of the images.

Or you could wear a pair of LCD shutter glasses that turns the left and right eye lenses open simultaneously, so you see just one of the images.

And throw out the unused image (in other words, the 2D viewer sees only the left images).

Now you’ve got 3D and 2D viewers on one system, albeit, with half resolution one way or another for the 2D viewers. If they care. But that’s true of this 3D+2D TV system too, only its more complicated.

Which is why I don’t get this.

Nokia said to invest in Pelican Imaging, possible 3D applications

Nokia to invest in ‘array’ mobile cameras that use small lenses to capture big images.

Pelican’s imaging system uses and array of tiny sensors that, like the Lytro cameras, enables focusing to be adjusted after a picture is taken. The camera is acquiring depth information which could be used to create stereoscopic 3D images. Nokia’s interest implies this technology could becoming to smart phones in the future.

Is 3D delayed again until 4K TV comes out?

Fujifilm has officially discontinued the Fujifilm 3D W3 still camera. This is the last of their 3D cameras. (See  The W3 continues to be available as they ship from inventory; the Amazon new price has fallen to about $160. Panasonic has also discontinued sales of the Lumix 3D1 except for a large quantity of Japanese language-only versions being sold through numerous electronics distributors in Japan and on EBay and Amazon. I own one of the Japanese language versions and its easiest enough to use without speaking Japanese as most of the menus are icon based.

The are no more integrated 3D still cameras being made, except for 3D still capability on some video cameras, some toy cameras, and the paired GoPro Hero2 with the 3D sync cable. Alternatives are to use two older Canon cameras with the StereoData Maker version of the CHDK hacking software and a simple USB synchronization cable.

3D still photography is much simpler than 3D video photography. But 3D stills suffer from the same hurdles as 3D video – the viewer needs special glasses or 3D displays with special glasses. While the BBC is postponing most of their 3D production work now, for 3 years, Sky 3D says they are continuing at full speed ahead on 3D work.

Dolby and Phillips say they expect to announce shipments of their first glasses free 3D displays early next year. However, glasses free 3D is probably not going to be common until the 4K push is thoroughly in gear. That’s because 2K is sort of half resolution HD (one way or another) and 4K provides super detail for 3D. I have seen glasses free 3D 4K displays at CES and they are amazing. But the technology is not yet ready for mass manufacturing at moderate price points. In 2 to 4 years, the 3D 4K glasses free technology should become available at moderate prices. We hope.

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Sky TV remains committed to #3D

Sky 3D now in half a million homes.

While ESPN 3D is ending, and BBC 3D is taking a break, Sky 3D says they remain committed to 3D programming and broadcasting. Sky points out they’ve “shown more live events than the sports-only ESPN channel has”.

They note that TV manufacturers say excellent quality and affordable glasses free 3D TVs will be available in 2-4 years.  And from what I have seen at CES, I agree with that.