GoPro – HERO4 – 4K/30fps and 1080p at 120 fps

Introducing HERO4 Black, the most advanced GoPro ever. Featuring improved image quality and a 2x more powerful processor with 2x faster video frame rates,1 HERO4 Black takes Emmy® Award-winning GoPro performance to a whole new level. Incredible high-resolution 4K30 and 2.7K50 video and high frame rate 1080p120 video enable stunning, immersive footage of you and your world. New Protune™ settings for both photos and video unlock manual control of Color, ISO Limit, Exposure and more. Waterproof to 131’ (40m) with 12MP photos at a blistering 30 frames per second and improved audio

via GoPro – HERO4 Black camera – 2x the performance. 4K30, 2.7K50 and 1080p120 video.
With all the 4k and high frame rate gear coming out, we can see why Youtube is pushing into 4k and HFR solutions.
I am not seeing a GoPro Hero4 3D package like they had with the earlier camera. A great solution for the Hero3+ is available form a 3rd party here, though.

Why Youtube 3D might be gone for a long time

Update October 15th: Youtube has returned to using the Flash-based video player which supports 3D viewing.
Back in June, Youtube announced they were working on many new features: YouTube Creator Blog: Look ahead: creator features coming to YouTube.
One of these is support for 48 and 60 frame per second video, as illustrated in these demonstration 720/60p videos on Youtube. Supposedly several channels on Youtube have had 60p capability enabled for testing.
My guess is Youtube has placed a higher priority on their published feature list and likely other features not yet announced (including additional capabilities to completed features such as Creator Studio)- and not on their unannounced shutting down the 3D video player. There are many capabilities yet to come such as improved integration with other Google Services (they’ve just added a way to link in Google Photos, for example).
At some point, 3D will come back. But Google did not support their own Youtube 3D player in their own Google Chrome browser which sends a strong message that 3D has not been a priority at Youtube for quite some time.

How to get more photo views on Flickr

Researchers used a computer-based system to analyze millions of photos for various characteristics and how they may correlate with total views on Flickr.
Where your photo appears within a page of photos (e.g. upper left or middle) can impact its viewership. Of course, so too does the content of the photo.
The presence or absence of certain objects is effective “for predicting popularity”.

“Some of the most common objects present in images are: seashore, lakeside, sandbar, valley, volcano”.

They note their classification of image objects may be incorrect at times, but arrive at the following “impacts” of various objects in photos:

  • Strong positive impact: miniskirt, maillot [swimsuit], bikini, cup, brassiere, perfume, revolver
  • Medium positive impact: cheetah, giant panda, basketball, llama, plow, ladybug
  • Low positive impact: wild boar, solar dish, horsecart, guacamole, catamaran
  • Negative impact: spatula, plunger, laptop, golfcart, space heater

via www2014_khosla.pdf.
Other recommendations, from other sources, are to post 1 to 5 photos each day (photo streams show 1 or 5 photos only), and make the last photo uploaded in a group as your best, most eye catching photo (due to how photos are arranged in the photo stream). Tag all photos with search terms and add descriptive text. Cross post photos to groups. And of course, add descriptive texts.
Lisa Bettany made a blog post saying that #1 is to have an out focus background, #2 is to have lens flare, #3 is to have “hot chicks”, #4 is cute animals, #5 is close ups of flowers, and #6 is interesting photos with “interesting and tragically bohemian titles”.

After DailyMotion’s meltdown, they deleted my old videos

As noted in this blog post – Bad week for online video support – Youtube, DailyMotion | – DailyMotion suffered a system failure that resulted in videos uploaded between September 2013 and April 2014 being unable to play.

I logged in to DailyMotion this morning and found that DailyMotion has deleted my videos from that period.

About 10 days ago, Youtube ended support for their 3D video player.

Should I continue shooting and posting videos? We can no longer trust the cloud for anything.