Glasses Free 3D Tablet Available

Just $349: The No Glasses 3D Tablet – Hammacher Schlemmer.

Unfortunately, no manufacturer name is provided. But it runs Android 4.1. It does not include a 3D camera, and the built in 2D cameras are lame. And what does “1080p HD display with 1280 x 800 resolution” mean? Am guessing its just a 1280×800 resolution but it down scales 1080p content.

From the specs, this is not terribly impressive as a 3D tablet. I’d skip it for sure.


3D in the news – or not

Early last year I began tracking 3D news stories using and a search for “3D”. Early on, a fair number of 3D stories were about 3D photography, 3D cameras and especially 3D content (movies, theaters, project systems) and 3D video games and displays.

Today, probably 95% of the stories are about 3D printing technology and 3D printing of products.

We know that consumption of 3D movies at theaters is up and the sale of 3D DVD discs and 3D HDTVs are also up strongly. But the popular meme is that 3D is dead which seems to shape news coverage.

3D is not dead, its just become ordinary and normal.

3D printing is the hot new thing (and it is).

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New 3D rig for the GoPro Hero3 available for $99 from 3DGuy.TV

Go here to take a look at and buy the mounting rig and sync cable on sale for $99.


Al Cadullo is a professional 2D/3D cinematographer who has found the GoPro’s provide a compact and excellent quality 3D rig when mated with each other. GoPro sold a synchronization package for their Hero2 but the Hero3 version has been delayed. So he’s come up with his own product.

Reviewed: The Day of the Doctor: A 3D Triumph or Failure?

The Day of the Doctor: A 3D Triumph or Failure? | Doctor Who TV.

I have not seen yet but see that it is available for online viewing pay-per-view for US$7.99: The Day of the Doctor [HD] or you can hold out for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor (Blu-ray 3D / Blu-ray / DVD Combo) available in a week or two.

As a 3D video photographer I oddly do not own a Blu-ray player – I think we will get one for Christmas.